OE3001 optical chopper is high-precision optical equipment with its chopper frequencies from 1 Hz to 10 kHz. With the advantage of PID technology and high-quality motor, the frequency accuracy of OE3001 is up to 0.5%. OE3001 consists of a console, a chopper head and a control line. The main function of the console is to control the speed of the motor to achieve the target speed. The chopper head is mainly composed of a base and a motor with a blade.
With a 320*240 color LCD display and a control knob on the front panel, OE3001 can be set to the specific chopping frequency that users need. All the functions can be implemented by rotating and pressing the control knob.The blade of OE3001 can be replaced with different slots blade to achieve different chopping frequency ranges.The standard blade is 10-slot blade with chopping frequency from 20 Hz to 1000 Hz.For other suitable blades and corresponding frequency ranges, please refer to the table below.
Chopper Blades & Frequencies
OE1B2 ( 2slot) 1Hz ~ 200 Hz
OE1B10(10slot) 20Hz ~ 1kHz
OE1B15(15slot) 30Hz ~ 1.5kHz
OE1B30(30slot) 60Hz ~ 3kHz
OE1B60(60slot) 120Hz ~ 6kHz
OE1B100(100slot) 200Hz ~ 10kHz
OE1B57(Inner5,Outer7slot) Inner:10Hz ~ 500Hz Outer:14Hz ~ 700Hz
Chopper Blades
Chopping Frequency
OE1B2(2 slot) 1~99Hz
OE1B10(10 slot) 20~1KHz
OE1B15(15 slot) 30~1.5KHz
OE1B30(30 slot) 60~3KHz
OE1B60(60 slot) 120~6KHz
OE1B100(100 slot) 200~10KHz
OE1B57(Inner 5 slot,Outer 7 slot) Inner: 10~500Hz Outer: 14~700Hz
Input/Output Specifications
Ext.Input Compatibility TTL/CMOS
Ext. Input Voltage Range 0~5V
Input High >3.6V
Input Low <0.4V
Ref Out Compatibility TTL/CMOS
Ref Out Voltage Range 0~5V
Min Load Impedance 500Ω
Communications Port USB2.0
Protocol USB(RS232 Emulated)
Baud Rate 115200
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
Parity None
Handshaking None
Blade Rotation
OE1B2 90°
OE1B6 30°
OE1B10 18°
OE1B15 12°
OE1B30 6°
OE1B60 3°
OE1B100 1.8°
OE1B57 Inner 36°,Outer 25.7°
General Controller Specifications
Dimensions(D*W*H) 206mm*150mm*70mm
Input and Output Connectors BNC
Menu Control Push-Button Knob
Operating Temperature 10-40℃
Display Type 320*240 Pixel LCD
Frequency Resolution 0.01Hz
Power Supply
Supply Type Linear
Input Voltage 100~240VAC
Line Frequency 50/60Hz
Input Power 30W MAX
Fuse Ratings 750mA
Fuse Size 5*20mm
Optical applications: Spectral measurement、Spectral analysis
Blade for Optical Chopper Drawings(30Slot)
Chopper Head Drawings